What Does Salvation Mean To You?

Yesterday I saw a church sign advertising "Internal Life Insurance."  First off, I think they meant "Eternal Life Insurance."  Second, I was dismayed that the great gift of salvation is being advertised as nothing more than "fire insurance."  Doesn't salvation mean more than just being saved from hell?  Doesn't God's gift offer us so much more than just a "get out of hell free" card?  I fear signs like that are one of the reasons so many "Christians" today live no differently than the world.  Honestly, it makes one wonder if they got the real thing.

Consider this.  You are given a free pass to a theme park.  This pass allows you unlimited access to the park during its off-season months.  You can come and go as often as you like.  The park is there for your enjoyment, and the free pass doesn't cost you a thing.  You need only accept it.  Keep in mind, however, that during the off-season months, all the rides and shops are closed.  The merchandise is stored away.  The staff is unavailable.  But, enjoy that free pass!

Isn't that what people are doing when they look at salvation as nothing more than "fire insurance"? They're accepting the free pass but missing out on all the benefits that actually come with that free pass.  Don't they realize that God is standing before them with His arms loaded down with blessings for them?  But no, I fear too many are content to wander around the empty park day after day.

Salvation is a priceless gift.  It cost Jesus His life.  It cost God His Son.  It does ensure us a place in Heaven and freedom from hell.  But it does so much more.  It allows us to grow close to God.  It allows us to know Him in a way the lost never will.  It enables us with strength that is indescribable.  It fills us with power that cannot be obtained through any other means.  It gives us grace to live and to grow.  It makes us new and gives us a second chance in life.  It brings joy and comfort.

Oh, my friend, I pray that salvation means this and so much more to you.  If not, you may want to check up.  Have you accepted Christ as Savior?  Have you given your life over to Him?  Have you surrendered your will, your desires, and your dreams to the Lord?  Have you asked Him to forgive you of your sins and to make you a new creation?

If so, that's wonderful, but you may want to find out why you've settled for so little when God has so much more to offer.  If you can't answer "yes" to the questions above, then you're missing out on everything.  Give your heart to Christ.  If you're not sure what to do or how to pray, contact a friend, a pastor, or myself.  But whatever you do, don't wait.  Time is growing short.  Today is the day of salvation.


Aaron Wilburn - Misc. Comedy


Extraordinary by John Bevere