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The Narrow Gate
salvation, Reaching Out To Others Dana Rongione salvation, Reaching Out To Others Dana Rongione

The Narrow Gate

The other night, I was propped up in the bed, enjoying a cup of tea and a good book, when I heard a strange noise coming from the entryway. At first, I thought it was just the wind, but as the noise continued, I realized it was something else entirely.

I got up to investigate and found one of our sparrows fluttering around in a panic. She had somehow managed to fly into the entryway through a small opening in the sliding glass door, but now she couldn't find her way back out. She kept flying into the glass, over and over again, in a desperate attempt to escape.

As I watched her, I couldn't help but feel sadness and frustration. This poor little bird was trapped in a prison of her own making, unable to see the way to freedom that was right in front of her.

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Prisoners of Christ, Part Three: Hope in the Darkest Hour
hope, faith, salvation, despair, hopelessness Dana Rongione hope, faith, salvation, despair, hopelessness Dana Rongione

Prisoners of Christ, Part Three: Hope in the Darkest Hour

Join me as we conclude our powerful Bible study series on Acts 16:16-34 with a story of hope and redemption. Explore the prison keeper's desperate situation as he wakes up to find the doors open and assumes the worst. Reflect on the relevance of his struggle to the prevalent issue of suicide today.

Discover the life-changing encounter between the prison keeper and Paul, where salvation takes center stage. Witness the relief and transformation that unfold when he realizes the prisoners are still there. Find inspiration in the simplicity of salvation through belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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