What Are You Doing There?

A few mornings ago, I awoke to birds chirping outside my bedroom window. With my eyes still closed, I enjoyed the birdsong and sounds of life waking to a new day. When I opened my eyes and looked out the window to view the peaceful pasture behind our house, I noticed something very peculiar. A single white wildflower protruded from the top of the nearest bush. It was the oddest sight.

Intrigued, I climbed out of bed and dressed to investigate. It turns out the flower is not growing out of the bush but rather through the bush. Currently, it stands over five feet tall and sticks out six to eight inches above the top of the bush. From what I can tell, there are no other wildflowers like it anywhere in our yard (or garden, as it is referred to in the UK). No, it’s a single wildflower, pushing its way through an immensely dense bush to reach towards the heavens. Amazing!

Now, when I look out my window each morning and spot that determined flower, I can’t help but think of the phrase, “Bloom where you’re planted.” Let’s face it, sometimes we end up in situations and wonder, How did I get here? Often, we look at the task ahead of us and feel as if we’re all alone in this battle. Many times, it feels like life is closing in on us, blocking out the light of day and nearly choking the life out of us. Yes, sometimes we look at our lives and think, I don’t belong here.

But God has placed each of us where we are for a reason, and if we’re in the place He’s led us, we can rest assured that we can bloom where we’ve been planted. It may not be easy, but it is possible. Just ask that little wildflower outside my window. It’s been blooming for quite a few days now, and it doesn’t look like it will quit anytime soon. Despite its peculiar perch, it seems determined to rise above all circumstances. May we be so persistent in living out the lives to which God has called us.

Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.  They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing;  To shew that the Lord is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him. - Psalm 92:13-15


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