Tripping Over Tess

Jason and I have had five dogs during our married life, each of which could be classified as clingy.  If I left my office to go to the kitchen, they would follow.  When I went to the bathroom, they would accompany me and stand guard.  Inside, outside.  It didn’t matter.  Where I went, they went.  I’m well acquainted with this particular characteristic.

But Tess is a next-level velcro dog.  She is so in step with me that I often lose track of her because she’s so close behind me that I can’t even see her.  When I go from room to room, she’s rarely content to simply be in that room.  Instead, she has to be touching me, whether sitting on my foot, leaning against my leg, or climbing in my lap.  I can’t tell you how often I’ve accidentally stepped on or tripped over her because she was so close to me.

While it can make it challenging to get things done from time to time, it’s also precious that my sweet pup loves me enough to want to be close.  It’s comforting that she trusts me enough to walk in my footsteps.  With that in mind, I admit I was convicted by the verse the Lord brought to my attention during my quiet time this morning.

My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me. - Psalm 63:8

The word “hard” means “close behind” or “on the heels of.”  Sound familiar?  Yes, Tess does a great job of following hard after her master.  I only wish I did the same.

Some days I do well.  On other days I think I did well until I look back and realize how far I drifted into my way of thinking and doing things.  And some days, I just blow it!  I want to follow my Master.  I desire to be so in step with Him that He can’t even see me because I’ve become one with Him.  I long to please Him and do right.  I want to be a velcro person to my Lord and Savior.

Fortunately, I have Tess to teach me how to proceed.  Like her, I need not be satisfied to simply be in the same room as my Master, so to speak.  I need to be aware of Him and in communion with Him.  I need to train my ears to listen for the sound of His movement so that when He moves, I can move, too.  And I must trust Him enough to follow confidently in His footsteps, knowing He’ll never lead me astray.  Then, when it’s time to be still, I need to learn to rest in His presence, leaning on Him for strength, security, and comfort.

Are you following hard after the Lord today, or are you running ahead or lagging behind?  Let’s take to heart the lesson from my teaching terrier Tess and stay close to our Master.  I’m reminded of the line from an old hymn, “Walking thus, I cannot stray, hand in hand with Jesus.”  If that’s not worth striving for, I don’t know what is.


While You Were Sleeping


I Believe. . .a Little Bit