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Holding Fast
Spiritual Warfare Dana Rongione Spiritual Warfare Dana Rongione

Holding Fast

Jesus introduces His message to Thyatira with imagery of blazing eyes and burnished bronze feet, representing divine judgment. Despite this sobering opening, He commends them for their outstanding spiritual growth and abundant works of love, faith, and perseverance.

However, a severe problem threatened their progress. Jesus rebukes Thyatira for tolerating false teachings from a woman, “Jezebel”, who encouraged immorality and idolatry. Though she called herself a prophetess, her doctrines came straight from Satan. Tragically, her deception had corrupted some believers.

This grave spiritual and moral compromise stirred Jesus to warn of impending judgment striking Thyatira unless they repented. Those misled by this false prophetess had been given time to turn from her wickedness, confirming God's patience toward sinners. But they refused, and judgment inevitably follows unrepentant sin.

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For a Season
Spiritual Warfare Dana Rongione Spiritual Warfare Dana Rongione

For a Season

Do you ever grow weary of fighting the same battles? Facing the same temptations? Slaying the same giants? I don’t know about you, but some days I wonder what I’m doing wrong. I’ve heard testimonies of people who have recovered from addictions or were brought out of some deep sin and now testify that since being saved, they’ve never even wanted to return to their old ways. They’ve never been tempted to take another drink, inhale another drug, or participate in another affair.

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