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What’s Going On Beneath the Surface?
Wayward Emotions, Spiritual Growth Dana Rongione Wayward Emotions, Spiritual Growth Dana Rongione

What’s Going On Beneath the Surface?

Hey there, friends! Today, I've got a story to tell you, and it all started when the shower and internet went out simultaneously in our house. Yep, last week, our cosy home experienced a weird, isolated power outage. We had lights and electricity in most of the house, but the power shower (popular in the UK) and the outlet our router was plugged into went dead. Things were very interesting for several moments as Jason was using the shower and I was using the internet when they both suddenly quit. No fun!

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Embracing Life’s Mix of Good and Bad
Purpose, Life's Journey, Encouragement Dana Rongione Purpose, Life's Journey, Encouragement Dana Rongione

Embracing Life’s Mix of Good and Bad

Life is a fascinating journey, isn't it? It's a blend of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, blessings, and challenges. As Christians, we may sometimes find ourselves longing for a perfect life, free from difficulties and setbacks. However, the reality is that life, even for the believer, is a beautiful medley of good and bad.

This summer in Wales, the weather has been an apt metaphor for life's unpredictable nature. We've experienced days of cool rain, perfect for cozy indoor activities like reading and writing. But alongside those rainy days, we've also had moments of warm sunshine that beckon us to venture outdoors and soak up its rays.

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