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Man Plans; God Directs
Life's Journey, Trust, God's goodness, God's guidance Dana Rongione Life's Journey, Trust, God's goodness, God's guidance Dana Rongione

Man Plans; God Directs

Eager to hit the hiking trails last week, Jason and I checked the forecast for the best day. Friday showed sun, while Saturday predicted snow, so Friday it was!

After breakfast on Friday morning, we were greeted by rain showers mixed with fat snowflakes instead of sunshine. "No problem," we shrugged. “It’s Wales! Wet weather is just part of the charm. Besides, as usual, the rain will likely come and go in short bursts.” You can probably guess where this is headed.

Despite the continuing wintry mix, we stuck with Plan A, trudging up muddy slopes in worsening snow and sleet for hours. Slipping in sodden boots with freezing fingers, I muttered, “Maybe we should've waited till tomorrow." By the time we stumbled back to the car, I was as drenched and weary.

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Tales of Moo and Poo

Tales of Moo and Poo

Since moving to Wales in mid-January, we’ve learned a lot of interesting facts about farm life in this country. For example, lambing season generally takes place in March and April, which means we’re privileged to watch little lambs scamper around the fields. So cute! Also, because of the long, wet winters, the cows are usually kept in the barns until spring. The main reason for this is that the ground becomes so wet and soggy that it is easy for the cows to break their legs. Not good! So, until recently, the cows on the farm here were heard but not seen as they were locked away in the barn.

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