Growing Tired of Square One
I've spent the past two weeks recovering from a severe flareup from my back injury and let me tell you, it's been excruciating. Not just the pain, mind you, though that was enough to keep me in bed for over a week. But the frustration of knowing that once I was better, I would have to start back at square one. Boy, am I tired of square one!!!

The Long Night of Nothing
After four years of traveling and eating out the majority of the time, we’ve finally settled enough to where I can address my eating habits and exercise routines again. For me, unfortunately, it means using that ugly four-letter word—diet.
Yes, I’m past that lovely age where I could skip one snack and lose three pounds. Way past! Now, I look at food and gain three pounds. And in the past four years, I feel like I’ve put as many pounds on my body as we did miles on our vehicles. Well, maybe that’s a bit extreme, but the truth is, I’m heavier than I’ve ever been in my life, and I don’t like it.

Picture Perfect
For the past few weeks, I’ve been in the process of building my new website and updating our mission website to reflect our new “on the field” status. The task requires hours of tedious work, from deciding on colors to choosing a layout. While there are parts of the designing I enjoy, a lot of it is time-consuming work.