Mindfulness in Christian Living
This morning, Jason decided to treat us to homemade scones for breakfast. It was a lovely gesture, to be sure, but one that didn't quite go according to plan.
You see, our oven is a bit of a peculiar beast. It's got two knobs: one for temperature and another for the various oven controls. You can turn up the temperature without turning on the oven or turn on the oven without adjusting the temperature. We typically leave the temperature set and only fiddle with the control knob, as we're creatures of habit when it comes to baking temperatures.
Jason went about his merry way, mixing the ingredients and shaping the scones with the precision of a master baker. He popped them in the oven, set the timer, and waited for the magic to happen. But when the timer went off, he opened the oven door to find... raw dough. The scones looked exactly as they had when he'd put them in!

Lukewarm Faith
As you can see, Jesus had nothing good to say about the church of the Laodiceans. Even the way he addressed the letter showed his disapproval. With every other church, their letters were addressed to the "church of [insert city]" or "the church in [insert city]." This time, the letter was addressed to the church of the Laodiceans. In other words, the church of the people. The Lord recognized how the people there viewed the church as "theirs" rather than "God's". No wonder this church made Him sick!
That being said, can you imagine Jesus saying He wants to spit you out of His mouth? That's some tough love right there! But the Laodicean church was just going through the motions. They showed up on Sundays but had no passion or zeal for God. Their faith was like a cup of tea that's been sitting out too long—not hot enough to be soothing and not cold enough to be refreshing. In a word, yuck!