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Compassion Over Judgement
compassion, Reaching Out To Others, Relationships Dana Rongione compassion, Reaching Out To Others, Relationships Dana Rongione

Compassion Over Judgement

How often do we find ourselves judging others, making assumptions about their lives, motivations, and choices? It's an all too common human tendency, one that can breed misunderstanding, resentment, and conflict if left unchecked. Yet, when we take a step back and consider the complexities of each individual's circumstances, might we not find more compassion and empathy within ourselves? After all, we’re all struggling to make it through this maze called life, just with different circumstances and choices.

It's easy to look at someone else's life and think, "Well, if I were them, I'd be doing things differently. I'd be working harder, making better choices, living more righteously." We see a snapshot of their journey and assume we know the whole story.

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