Battling Discontentment
Last week, Jason and I were in Manchester, England, for a missionary retreat. It’s a time for several missionary families to get together and encourage one another in the Lord. There’s food, services, and of course, fellowship. All in all, it’s a wonderful event.
Before leaving, Jason and I cleaned out the refrigerator to make sure we didn’t come home to any surprises. One of the things we needed to toss out was a partial loaf of bread already showing signs of molding. (In this damp environment, bread products do NOT last long.).

Praying Through Discontentment
Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year. Unfortunately, it can also be a breeding ground for greed, commercialism, and discontentment. Yes, there’s something about the Christmas season that can cause us to look at our surroundings or circumstances and feel lacking. We find ourselves thinking, If only I had ______, I’d be happy.
This morning, in my devotion time, I read a rather convicting statement about how we often attempt to deal with discontentment. The author questioned our methods for coming to grips with our dissatisfaction and remarked that we often don’t ask God to help us with our attitude but rather to “fix” the situation so we’ll be more content. Ouch!