When Screens Go Dark, Look to the Light
The Word of God Dana Rongione The Word of God Dana Rongione

When Screens Go Dark, Look to the Light

Last week, during our ladies’ retreat, my computer screen (projecting the various songs, Scripture, and images on the wall) kept timing out and going dark. I knew there was a simple setting to stop it from doing that, but I couldn’t find it for the life of me. Jason looked for it with equally fruitless results. I googled it, but that only resulted in information about changing particular settings that weren’t even showing up on my computer. Good grief!

On the second day, I was nearly at my wit’s end, so I did another search and stumbled upon another option to try. Lo, and behold, after selecting a single option, there was the simple click I’d been looking for.

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The Creeping Danger of Unresolved Conflicts
Anger, Forgiveness, Bitterness, Resentment, Relationships Dana Rongione Anger, Forgiveness, Bitterness, Resentment, Relationships Dana Rongione

The Creeping Danger of Unresolved Conflicts

Can I vent for a minute, friends? I need to get this off my chest. Let me tell you about the computer problems I recently dealt with.

It all started after a routine software update. Suddenly, my computer refused to go to sleep. I checked all the settings and even tried to force it to sleep, but ultimately, it just wouldn't do it. And while it was annoying, it wasn't a big deal. But then, odd issues with my trackpad surfaced. The scroll wheel would spin, but the pages wouldn't move up or down until they finally jumped halfway down the page. At that point, things were becoming more frustrating.

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