Tiny Treasures
Life's Journey, Encouragement, Comfort, Faith Dana Rongione Life's Journey, Encouragement, Comfort, Faith Dana Rongione

Tiny Treasures

I thought we had won. After weeks of setting traps and securing every nook and cranny of our Welsh cottage, the unwelcome mouse that had taken up residence seemed to have moved on. The victory was ours! Or so I thought until the other morning when I opened the pantry door.

There he sat, bold as brass, perched atop the shelf with my favorite chocolates. The little thief had gnawed through the wrappers and was helping himself to my precious stash! We locked eyes for a moment—me in horror, him in what I'm pretty sure was smug satisfaction—before we both fled in opposite directions. He scurried into his hidden passage while I slammed the door and retreated to the safety of my office, mourning the loss of my chocolate comfort.

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Don’t Despise the Small Things, Part One
Video Bible Study, Bible Study, Life's Journey Dana Rongione Video Bible Study, Bible Study, Life's Journey Dana Rongione

Don’t Despise the Small Things, Part One

Recently, I’ve had the honor of being invited to teach two 30-minute lessons each month to be viewed in India. This is a real privilege, but at first, I was a little concerned about how I would fit it into my already-full schedule. After much prayer, the Lord opened my eyes to the fact that these videos could be used in many ways, including blog posts. So, I’ve broken the videos down into small pieces and plan to share them with you over the coming weeks. Don’t worry, there were still be traditional devotional posts as well. But this will allow me to share the truth of God’s Word with many more people without much extra time. I’m excited, and I hope you are as well. So, let’s get started. Shall we?

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