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Eternal Echoes: A Devotional Journey through the Seven Churches
Bible Study Dana Rongione Bible Study Dana Rongione

Eternal Echoes: A Devotional Journey through the Seven Churches

The book of Revelation contains mysteries and prophecies that have confounded readers for centuries. But nestled among the apocalyptic visions are seven letters written directly to seven specific churches in Asia Minor during the first century A.D. On the surface, these letters from Jesus seem simple enough. However, a closer look reveals significant convicting messages for churches and believers today.

Over the next few weeks, I want us to explore these seven letters to the churches mentioned in Revelation 2-3. As we break down each one, I pray we’ll uncover powerful truths to apply to our walks with Christ. Though initially written to actual local churches, the instructions, encouragements, warnings, and promises Jesus gives to the seven churches speak volumes to us now.

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