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An Outbreak of Joy
Positive Life Dana Rongione Positive Life Dana Rongione

An Outbreak of Joy

A couple of weeks ago, out of the blue, Jason woke up on Monday morning covered head to toe in tiny red dots. By Friday, he resembled an itchy spotted giraffe! It turns out he had ingested something to which he had a severe allergic reaction. We still don’t know what it was, so hopefully, he won’t eat or drink it again!

Like most men, Jason doesn’t do well at being sick; thankfully, he’s not often ill. I felt so bad for him, stuck in bed, itchy and miserable. But despite his suffering, he mostly maintained an upbeat attitude.

It could have been different. Frustrated and kept from his work and ministry, Jason might have medicated stress with complaints, anxiety, and self-pity. If he’d chosen to stew in negativity, his cynicism could have also infected me, and I was having a hard enough time keeping it together.

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