Swing Low, Sweet Slug

As the summer weather continues, I find myself spending more and more time outside on my swing. It's the perfect spot to enjoy the fresh air, soak up some rare Welsh sunshine, and spend time with my furry companion, Tess. I love to use this time to read my Bible, pray, or do some writing. It's my little slice of heaven here on earth.

But recently, my peaceful swing time was interrupted in a most unexpected way. As I sat there, enjoying the gentle rocking motion and the sound of birds chirping, something fell from above and landed in my lap. To my horror, I discovered it was a ginormous slug! Evidently, the slimy creature had crawled up to the top of the swing and either lost its grip or deliberately decided to pay me a visit.

I must admit, I surprised myself with how quickly I hopped out of that swing and did the "get off me" dance. The poor slug never had a chance. It was a moment of pure shock and disgust.  (At least, it was for me.  I have no idea what the slug was thinking or if it even survived its impromptu flight.). Anyway, the entire ordeal got me thinking about the importance of spiritual vigilance.

Just like that slug, the enemy can sneak up on us when we least expect it. We might be enjoying our walk with God, feeling peaceful and content, when suddenly we're hit with a temptation or a trial. In those moments, we need to be on guard and ready to take action.

The Bible tells us to "be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8). This means that we need to stay alert and watchful, always on the lookout for the enemy's tactics. We can't afford to let our guard down, even for a moment.

But how do we stay vigilant? It starts with spending time in God's Word and prayer. When we regularly fill our minds and hearts with truth, we’re better equipped to recognize the enemy’s lies. We’re also more likely to hear the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit guiding and directing us.

Another essential aspect of spiritual vigilance is community. We need to surround ourselves with other believers who can encourage and support us and hold us accountable. When we're in a community of faith, we're not alone in our fight against the enemy.

Finally, we need to be willing to take action when necessary. This might mean saying no to a temptation or reaching out for help when we're struggling. It might mean standing up for what's right, even when it's unpopular. Whatever it is, we need to be ready to do what's necessary to protect ourselves and others from the enemy's attacks.

So, the next time you're enjoying a peaceful moment, whether on a swing or somewhere else, remember to stay alert. The enemy is always looking for an opportunity to sneak up on us, but with God's help, we can stand firm and resist his attacks. And if a slug happens to land in your lap, well, do your best to shake it off and keep on swinging!


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