The Darkness That Could Be Felt
In my daily devotions, I’ve been reading through the account of the wilderness wanderings. Oh, how I love this series. But as many times as I’ve read through it and studied it, God always opens my eyes to something “new.” Recently, it was a particular phrase that caught my attention.
And the Lord said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt. - Exodus 10:21
Darkness which may be felt. Have you ever experienced such a thing? I have. One year, Jason and I were vacationing in the Pigeon Forge area, and the cabin we were staying in experienced a power outage. The outage occurred after we had gone to sleep, and when I awoke early in the morning to respond to nature’s call, I immediately felt the darkness all around me. Not a glimmer of light to be seen anywhere. Even the moon refused to shine through the thick veil of clouds. It was a darkness unlike any I had ever known, and it caused my chest to ache.
Right now, our world is going through a darkness that can be felt. People have died. Others have lost loved ones. Some have seen their savings disappear overnight, while others wonder if they’ll be able to save anything for the future now that they have no job. Businesses are closing left and right. We’re being urged to go home and stay home. Avoid contact with others at all costs. People are terrified and discouraged. Yes, friends, we’re experiencing a darkness that can be felt, and it’s affecting us all.
But as I think back on that power outage all those years ago, I remember another awesome truth. Before I awoke and noticed the darkness, that was the most pleasant night’s sleep I think I’ve ever had—before and since. Without the lights and sounds keeping my body awake, the darkness allowed my body to experience blissful slumber. It was peaceful. It was rejuvenating. It was amazing!!!
Interesting, isn’t it? When I wasn’t focused on the darkness, I benefited from it. When I allowed myself to rest in it, I wasn’t panicked or afraid. When I accepted that the darkness was temporary, I could enjoy the peacefulness of it.
I believe I can say the same for the darkness we’re now experiencing. Sure, we can focus on it by watching the news non-stop, keeping up with the death tolls, or chatting about it on social media. But in doing so, we’re only causing fear and panic. We’re causing the darkness to impact us more.
On the other hand, if we will accept the fact that “this too shall pass,” and trust the One who has it all in His hand, we may experience some of the most peaceful rest we’ve ever had. Yes, if we’ll rest in our Savior, we may find ways to benefit from the darkness. Read your Bible. Pray. Learn a new skill. Spend more time with your loved ones. Send cards or emails to encourage others. Do all the things you never have the time to do.
We may feel the dark, but we don’t have to fear it. It’s our choice.
“For thou art my lamp, O Lord: and the Lord will lighten my darkness.”