The Intersections of Life

It is at the intersections of life where we most need the guidance and instruction that can only be found in God..pngIt is at the intersections of life where we most need the guidance and instruction that can only be found in God..png

Today, for a much-needed break, Jason and I decided to try out a new walking/hiking trail nearby.  The weather was cool, but after so much travel and sitting time lately, we needed the exercise.  Besides, it was a good opportunity for us to see how good or bad this new trail was.

Overall, we were impressed.  Though the park was small compared to most of the places we hike, it was laid out well.  The various trails meandered through the woods and were cleared of rocks, roots, and other trip hazards.  (Trust me, I know the importance of this!)  A small creek wound its way through the property, and beautiful bridges allowed safe passage across the water.  Very nice indeed.

The only complaint we had was in regards to the blazing.  For those of you who are not familiar with hiking, trails are identified with markings called blazes.  Traditionally, blazes are assorted colors (which represent trails with the corresponding color) and are placed on trees at intersections and at intervals along the path if the trail is long.  The point is to help hikers keep track of which trail they’re on and to identify turns along the way.

This new park had blazing, but it was very hit and miss and seldom occurred at the intersections.  This left us confused often as to which path was the correct one.  Sure, they would all eventually lead us back to where we began, but the trails were different lengths, and certain turns would have us doubling back on ourselves.  It was strange!  After the third disorienting intersection, Jason and I discussed the absence of the blazing at such vital points along the trail.  And in the midst of that discussion, a spiritual lesson arose in my mind.

When facing the intersections of life, many people tend to pull away from God.  They stop attending church.  They neglect their Bible reading and prayer life.  They become so consumed and distracted by their current circumstances that they close the door on their relationship with God.  Whether through anger or confusion, they decide to continue their walk alone.

What they fail to realize is that the intersections of life are where we need guidance and instruction the most.  It is in these times of uncertainty they are likely to stray from everything they know to be good and right.  Without guidance and instruction from God’s Word, it’s easy to become confused, disoriented, and lost in a forest of indecision and doubt.  

Yes, at the intersections of life, we need direction.  We need God’s Word to be the lamp for our feet and light for our path.  We need fellow Christians to speak the truth to our weary souls.  We need to hear from our loving Father and to be reminded how much He loves us and longs to help us.  We need these spiritual blazes to guide our way and keep us on the right track—not just in the good times, but in the hard times as well.

Life is full of intersections, and they can be scary and confusing, but they don’t have to be.  God has promised to lead, guide and direct us if we’ll only look to Him.  He is the blaze.  Follow Him every step of the way, and you’ll never go astray.

Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou [art] the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.

— Psalm 25:4-5

How Did You Do It, David?


Lest We Slip