Grab a Hand

How much brighter would this world be if all the Christians were letting their lights shine instead of only just a few?.pngHow much brighter would this world be if all the Christians were letting their lights shine instead of only just a few?.png

A few days ago, I talked about how Lot lingered on the brink of destruction. Today, I’d like to go back to that same story and share with you a picture of evangelism seen within the account. But I warn you, this isn’t your typical “feel-good” devotion.

And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which are here; lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city. And while he lingered, the men laid hold upon his hand, and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hand of his two daughters; the Lord being merciful unto him: and they brought him forth, and set him without the city.

— Genesis 19:15-16

Two angels were sent to rescue Lot and his family from the fiery doom awaiting Sodom and Gomorrah. At first, the angels compelled Lot and his family to flee, but as we’ve already discussed, the family wasn’t exactly eager to leave their home and possessions behind. So, when persuasion didn’t work, the angels used physical contact. Two angels, each with two hands. That’s four hands—one for Lot, one for his wife, one for daughter #1, and one for daughter #2. The angels literally dragged them from the city.

My question is two-fold. First off, what if the angels hadn’t needed to use their hands to grab Lot and his family? After all, Lot and his family were in a position to save themselves and should have known better. Could those angels have used their hands to save others from the flames? Second, why don’t we see Lot, his wife, and each of his daughters grabbing someone by the hand to pull them away from destruction?

Now, I know Sodom and Gomorrah were wicked cities, and Abraham had already made a deal with God that God would spare the cities if He could find ten righteous people within its walls. He couldn’t. So, the likelihood is that even if Lot’s family didn’t have to be dragged out and the angels could have reached out to others, no one else would have followed. I get that, but the application is still present.

Our church has a motto that says, “Each one reach one.” The idea is that each of us is a witness for Christ. It’s the responsibility of every Christian to tell others about salvation, to invite others to church, and to seek to encourage others in the Lord. But, too often, we act like it’s only the job of the pastor, evangelist, or missionary. After all, that’s why they make the big bucks, right? (Don’t you love sarcasm.)  

Seriously, though, our churches today are full of baby Christians who need to be led around by the hand instead of those who can stand on their own two feet and are willing to reach out their hands to others.

So what’s the big deal? Ask the people in Wales. What was once a land of thriving Christianity and indescribable revivals is now known as “the land of closing churches.” A country once alive with the gospel is now labeled “a post-Christian nation.” People stopped reaching out. Christians grew cold and complacent. To put it bluntly, they grew selfish and lazy. They were content with their salvation but didn’t care enough to pass it along to their fellow man. They were too busy being led about by the hand to take the time or effort to reach out to someone else.

Friends, I promise I am not trying to offend anyone here, but it’s time we, as Christians, stopped walking on eggshells. We need to grow up and speak up! If you’re a new Christian, and you’re feeding on the milk of God’s Word, good for you. You’re exactly where you need to be. However, if you’ve been a Christian for years and you’re still drinking the milk, it’s time for you to mature. You need to be eating spiritual meat! Get in the Word for yourself every day. Get in the prayer closet, and spend time with God. Attend church every time the doors are open and you’re physically able. Then go out and reach others with the love and passion with which you were rescued from the flames of hell.

Each one reach one. That means you. It means me. It means the pastor and the church member, the evangelist and the revival goer, the missionary and those they meet, the young and the old. We all have a responsibility, and time is running out.

Imagine what it would be like to reach Heaven and have someone come up and say, “You don’t know me, but I’m here because of you.” What a blessing that would be! Let’s do all we can to make that happen.  

Grab a hand. Save a life. Don’t let what happened in Wales happen here. Don’t be the Christian who has to be dragged to church or guilted into visiting a shut-in. Don’t allow the busyness of the world to deter you from reaching out to those in spiritual darkness. It makes me wonder how much brighter the world would be if all the Christians were letting their lights shine instead of only just a few. Let’s find out, shall we?



Lest We Slip


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