My Heart Knows
Jason was in a meeting most of the day, so the plan was for me to take some time off and maybe get a little ministry work done, including writing a blog. But, things rarely work out as planned. By the time I ran a couple of errands and took Barnabas for a walk, Jason was done with his meetings, and I was worn out. The really frustrating part for me is that the Lord has been giving me a lot of great devotion ideas over the past couple of weeks. I’ve just been too busy and/or tired to write them. But, God knows best, and maybe these thoughts need to simmer and sink in a bit before I share them with you. Lord willing, when time allows, I’ll have some interesting and inviting posts for you.
In the meantime, I want to share with you a song I heard a few days ago. The minute I heard it, I knew I had found another “Dana song.” I hope you’ll enjoy it and be blessed by it just as I have been.
“I may have moments of unbelief,
But I don’t let it worry me.
It’s just a feelin’ that comes and goes.
My head may doubt, but my heart knows.My heart knows Jesus loves me
And washed my sins away
I know He will keep me forever
No matter where my head is at,
I will not be moved
’Cause my heart knows the truth.Satan will whisper and try to deceive,
To make us doubt what we believe,
But we know better; we have God’s Word
It’s in my heart safe and sure.My heart knows Jesus loves me
And washed my sins away
I know He will keep me forever
No matter where my head is at,
I will not be moved
’Cause my heart knows the truth.Waves of doubt may toss us to and fro
Oh, but we will sail on— this I know.My heart knows Jesus loves me
And washed my sins away
I know He will keep me forever
No matter where my head is at,
I will not be moved
’Cause my heart knows the truth. ”