Calm Down, Wonder Woman!
Anyone who knows me knows I have a big heart. I enjoy serving the Lord and seek to do whatever I can to help and encourage those around me. That’s a good thing, but sometimes, it feels like a burden because I am just one person and I can’t do everything I want to do. I want to be available to feed the homeless or sit with the shut-in. I long to visit the nursing homes and the sick in the hospital. I’d love to foster a child who needs love or be a listening ear for the young woman who’s at the end of her rope. And what about writing cards of encouragement to the ladies in our church or to those I’ve never met but who have found a place in my heart. I want to do it all. I feel the pull to do more, serve more, help more, encourage more.
But here’s the thing, I’m not Wonder Woman. Far from it! Between trying to run a home, running a writing/speaking ministry, and being on deputation to raise the funds to get to the mission field, I have no time and energy left to contribute toward all these other legitimate needs. At times, I feel guilty—lazy even. After all, other people have full plates and still manage to find time to help out more. Maybe if I slept a little less or cut corners somewhere, I could make it work, but not only is that unrealistic, it’s dangerous.
I’ve written and spoken to audiences about stepping up and doing something for the Lord. I’ve reminded those who are quick to say, “Somebody should help out in that ministry” that they are somebody, and maybe they’re the ones that need to get involved. And I believe that. But I’ve also come to realize that no “somebody” can do everything, and God never intended for them to. God doesn’t want a select number of Christians to do more and work harder but rather He wants to see all of His children get involved in His work. Why should one person feel the need to participate in four or five different ministries while others are doing nothing?
I’m not writing this today to put a guilt trip on anyone though I will say we should all be pulling our weight for the kingdom of God. My real challenge today is to those like me who have big hearts, great desires, but little time and energy to see those things done. God doesn’t want us stressed out and hanging on by a thread. He wants us to be serving joyfully, and that’s not possible if we’re being pulled in a zillion different directions. Remember, He is not the author of confusion. While there are many good causes out there, God does not expect us to be involved in every one. Instead, He wants us to focus our time and energy on the specific path He has set for us. For a while, my path was ministering to the ladies at my church through Sunday School. Before that, it was educating young children. Now, it’s raising support to get to the mission field of Wales and doing my best to encourage those I meet along the way.
Life is full of seasons. Maybe one day I’ll have the opportunity to help out in other ministries, but for now, I must concentrate on the task before me and not get distracted by my Wonder Woman dreams. Yes, I am somebody, and I have a job to do. But I cannot do everything. . .and neither can you. Don’t stretch yourself so thin you’re not of any use to anyone. Follow God’s specific path for you and pray He will send laborers into the fields of area you cannot currently serve. Then let it go. Don’t allow yourself to be overcome by guilt or shame. Just do the work God has set before you. That’s all He’s asking for.
“Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.”