Nothing Can Separate Us From God's Love
Isn't it amazing how Satan can fill our minds with thoughts of both worthlessness and pride? Sometimes, he comes to us whispering how good we are and that we don't need to depend on anyone but ourselves. He fills our minds with powerful thoughts of pride, fame, and self-sufficiency, similar to the way he dealt with Eve in the Garden of Eden. He tells us we're fine on our own, and sadly, many times we believe him.
Ironically, he is also the source of the worthlessness we often feel. He is the one who comes to us and tells us no one cares. He convinces us we're all alone and the reason for that loneliness is that we're unlovable. He parades our faults and failures before us as a reminder of how lowly we truly are. He persuades us that God, no matter how good and kind, could not possibly love us after all we've done. According to him, we're on our own.
Well, which is it? It can't be both ways. We can't be too good and too bad at the same time. We must recognize this ploy for what it is—lies from the father of all lies. Think about it, what could be better for Satan than a proud or discouraged Christian? It's an attack. Nothing more. Nothing less. The question is, are we ready for it? When he comes knocking on our door, are we too distracted to notice the subtle darts he's firing at us?
Here’s the truth: we need God. We’ve already discussed the fact that without Him, we can do nothing. We weren’t good enough to save ourselves from hell, and we’re not strong enough (on our own) to get ourselves through this life. We need God! We were never designed to walk through this life alone.
Sadly, we make many mistakes along the way. That’s part of living in a fallen world. We should strive to live a life that’s pleasing to God, but this flesh makes it nearly impossible. That being said, there is nothing we could ever do to make God love us any more or any less. His love is perfect, and we are never separated from it. When we mess up, we should confess our sin to God and renew a right relationship with Him, but we also need to remember that our failings don’t make us failures. Yes, we make mistakes, but God knew we would, and He still felt we were worth dying for.
We’re not perfect, but neither are we worthless. Whatever lies Satan throws at you today, throw them back and say, "I am loved, and nothing will ever change that!“
“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. ”