God's Word Will Stand

It's Take Your Dogto Work Day.pngIt's Take Your Dogto Work Day.png

A couple of weeks ago, I was doing a deep clean and rearranging of my office. When I say I was cleaning, I mean I went through every shelf, cabinet, and drawer, including my many filing cabinets. Over the course of my twelve years as a writer, I had accumulated an unbelievable amount of information about various writing tactics, programs, sources, and the like. As I waded through the material during my recent office cleanse, I realized that most of the stuff was outdated. So much has changed in the writing world, especially when it comes to online factors, that the information was useless. I can’t tell you how many trash bags I filled with papers and programs that were no longer relevant.

We live in a changing world, and what used to be the latest and greatest is now considered antiquated. Remember Myspace or the coveted phrase, “You’ve got mail”? What was once the norm is now being outdone or overrun. Such is life in a rapidly changing world.

But I am so thankful that when everything else around me is changing, I can know God’s Word will never change. The information contained within the precious pages of my Bible will never be outdated, irrelevant, or useless. The content was valuable 2,000 years ago, and it’s still priceless today. The Word of God is forever settled and will always nourish the spiritual man. And no matter what other trends may come or go, the Scriptures will never fade away.

I don’t know about you, but that knowledge gives me peace and security when everything around me is in a state of transition because I can trust that, no matter what’s happening in life, I can count on God’s Word. His promises are true. He is faithful. And His Word will stand the test of time.

The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

— Isaiah 40:8



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