It's Never Too Late

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I consider myself a reasonably intelligent person, but when it comes to understanding time travel, it doesn’t matter how often others try to explain it or how many pictures they draw for me, I just don’t get it. The concept boggles my mind. The topics of alternate timelines, wormholes, and paradoxes leave me crying for pain relievers and a quiet place to lie down. Can I get an “Amen”?

Oddly enough, I enjoy watching time travel shows and reading time travel novels. (I guess I’m a glutton for punishment.) The truth is, I don’t try to understand the concept. I simply enjoy the story based around it and nod my head when it’s discovered that Character B is an older version of Character E from an alternate timeline. In other words, I go with the flow. It’s all science fiction anyway, right?

But here’s one thing I can’t swallow, and even my super-smart, time-travel-concept-competent hubby agrees with me on this point. The main characters exit their time machine only to discover that they’re too late to accomplish whatever it was they came to do, and everyone falls apart because their plans are ruined. Hello!!!! You’re in a time machine!!! If you’re late, get back in the time machine and reprogram it to send you back another ten minutes or ten days or whatever time you need to beat the bad guys. Duh! Even I, the time travel dummy, can figure that one out. Logic dictates if you have a time machine, there’s no such thing as too late.

We can say the same regarding God. If you think the concept of time travel is enough to turn your brain to mush, try wrapping your noggin’ around this one. God is ever-present. He abides outside of time itself which means He is not bound by it. He is everywhere all the time—past, present, and future. All of time is stretched out before Him, and He can see every moment, every event simultaneously. Is that crazy or what? I believe it because the Bible tells us it’s so, but I cannot even begin to understand or explain it.

What I do understand, though, is this: Since God is outside the limits and constraints of time, there is no such thing as “too late,” unless He determines it to be so. He rules time, not the other way around. He is always on time though it may not look like it to us.

The divorce papers are signed. It’s too late to make amends now.

Is it?

The bills are overdue, and the mortgage company is repossessing the house tomorrow. It’s too late to do anything about it.

Is it?

The doctor says the tumor is too large, and it’s now too late to operate.

Is it?

God is in control of all things, including time. Not a moment passes without His knowledge. Not once has He encountered a situation and muttered, “Oh no, I’m too late! I didn’t realize that was coming up so quickly.” Not once has He forgotten about our struggles or turned His back on our needs. And despite what some may say, God is not sitting up in Heaven saying, “Well, I think I’ll just let him sweat it out a little. That will teach him to depend on me!” God is not cruel, but He is loving and understands the value of making us wait. It’s not to cause a panic but rather to help us grow in our love and trust in Him.

It’s not too late to find another job.

It’s not too late to reach out to that family member.

It’s not too late, dear prodigal, to return home.

It’s not too late for you to give your heart to Jesus.

Whatever you're facing today,—however hopeless it may seem—remember, it’s not too late unless God says so. He’s the boss! He has the final say so. There is no instance in time or space He doesn’t control, so rest assured, He’s got this. Don’t give up. You may not see how He’s working, but you can trust He is. And if it seems like He’s in no hurry, remember He has no reason for haste because He has all the time in the world.

Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

— Daniel 2:20-22

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