Confident in Our Walk - A Series on Confidence, Part 6

“Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble. . . For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.”

— Proverbs 3:23,26

As an avid hiker, I know a lot about stumbling.  Many things on a trail can trip you or cause you to lose your footing:  loose rocks, large roots, wayward sticks and much more.  Just yesterday, Jason, Barnabas, and I were walking down one of our favorite trails when I had to stop and untangle a stick from my shoelaces.  Somehow, in one step, I had managed to get the crazy stick through both shoelaces, and had I not noticed, I likely would have fallen on my face with the next step.  (How do I know?  From experience, unfortunately.)  The fact is, there is rarely a hike where one or both of us don't stumble at some point.  That's the nature of hiking.

It's also the nature of life.  Many things throughout our days can trip us or cause us to stumble.  Temptations, obligations, expectations--these are just a few of the obstacles we face on a regular basis.  Thankfully, we have a faithful Guide who assures us if we will walk in His way, our feet will not stumble nor will they be snared by various traps along the trail.  We needn't fear falling into a hole or plunging face-first into a pile of leaves.  God will make our way safe.

Mind you, this isn't saying we'll never have trouble in this life.  The path is still rocky and treacherous, and situations will arise that shake us to our very core.  But if we will keep our eyes on God and walk in His ways, we will not lose our footing, despite the obstacles and traps.  He will lead us safely through and even enable us to grow and become stronger in the process.

Don't be afraid of the journey.  God's got you, and He won't let you fall.  Trust Him, and enjoy the hike.

“He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.”

— Psalm 121:3


Confident in God's Work - A Series on Confidence, Part 7


Confident in Our Future - A Series on Confidence, Part 5