Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely by Lysa TerKeurst

About the Book:

Lysa TerKeurst is president of  Proverbs 31 Ministries and the New York Times bestselling author of Uninvited and  The Best Yes. She writes from her sticky farm table and lives with her family in North Carolina. Connect with her at  www.LysaTerKeurst.com.


My Review:

I have read and enjoyed many of Lysa's books, and I'm happy to proclaim that this is among my favorites.  With her sheer honesty and trademark wit, she offers the readers an insight into a life of rejection and how that one who felt left out finally discovered the place she'd always longed to be--a place of love and acceptance.  Lysa shares parts of her painful past as well as comical experiences she has faced throughout the years that have helped her arrive where she is today.  I must say that my favorite account was the one with the cussing angel (you'll have to read the book to understand and truly appreciate the humor).

I've had my eye on this book for some time but was waiting for the "right time" to spend money on it.  Recently, I felt the Lord impressing me that now was the time.  As I began reading, I understood His promptings, for the first few chapters of the book discussed the very thing I was studying and covering in my own new book:  the power of our thoughts and words.  Lysa reminds us that, whether we realize it or not, what we think and say has a dramatic impact on our actions and attitudes.  With that in mind, she urges us to guard our thoughts and tongues against the negativity that often so easily besets us.  God worked it out that I was in the perfect place in my life to thoroughly appreciate this insight.

As with all of Lysa's books, I had trouble pacing myself because once I started reading, I didn't want to stop.  Her words encouraged my heart and motivated my spirit as I'm sure they will do for you.  This is a must-read for anyone who has ever struggled with feelings of rejection (which I'm certain that we all have).  You won't be sorry!


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Meditative Moments - John 15:5