Are They Done Yet?

My husband is a culinary genius (which, compared to me, most people are).  But seriously, he loves to cook, and over the years, he has created some awesome meals and treats.  His most recent efforts have revolved around creating healthy foods that taste great and can be made inexpensively, which means I've been enjoying a buffet of falafels, egg rolls, avocado gelato (don't make faces; it's delicious!) and a protein bar called Choco Peanut Butter Bars.  One of these bars with a cup of hot tea makes the perfect breakfast for me each morning as I do my devotions.

Anyway, back to the culinary genius, there's only one problem with his methodology--he doesn't use recipes.  Basically, he looks at a recipe or simply the ingredients of the item and then goes to town from there, sprinkling in a bit of this and a tad of that.  It works for him, and most of the time, the outcome is outstanding.  Occasionally, however, I'll tell him that I definitely liked batch #2 better than batches #1, #3 and #4, and that throws him for a loop because he has no recollection of how he made batch #2.  And those were the best!!!!

The most difficult thing, we've discovered, with the Choco Peanut Butter Bars is knowing how long to bake them.  Again, because Jason's grab-and-go method is--well, grab-and-go--the cooking time isn't consistent.  Sometimes ten minutes will do, while other times, they need fifteen.  The trick is getting them out of the oven at just the right time.  Too long, and they'll be burnt and bitter.  Too soon, and they'll be gooey and fall apart at the slightest touch.  Neither of these is desirable (I've tried both).

Aren't you glad that our Heavenly Father knows exactly how long to keep us in the fire?  Yes, life is full of hot spots, and we are aware that fiery trials are a necessary part of Christian growth.  But just as it is imperative to find the sweet spot of cooking time for my protein bars, it is equally important that God's children spend the right amount of time in the fire.  Too long, and they become bitter and resentful.  Too soon, and they lack solidity and fall apart at the first thing life throws at them.  The timing has to be perfect, and because God is perfect and knows all things, He'll make sure that we spend just the right amount of time in the heat--not too much, not too little.  Isn't that good to know?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some falafels in the refrigerator that would be quite tasty in a delicious, veggie-filled wrap.  Lunch time, here I come!

Thank you, sweet Jason, for taking the time to make me healthy treats.  You are such a blessing!!!

When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. - Isaiah 43:2


To All Who Love Him


One Step Forward, Two Steps Back