Whistling a Different Tune

Go get your Bible. Really. I'll wait. Got it? Now, turn to Psalm 73 and read it. Do you see the pity party Asaph was having? Unfortunately, it sounds like one I've had myself (and more often than once). It goes something like this:

"God, why do the wicked get whatever they want. They continually disobey you, yet they have more money, nicer homes, and better cars than I could ever dream of having. They seem to have a perfect life, and it's just not fair. I try to serve you every day, but I'm still struggling just to make ends meet."

Sound familiar? Come on, admit it. You've thrown one of these parties yourself, haven't you? If we're honest, I think we've all had these thoughts at least once in our lifetime. But, what I really want to point out is the change of heart in verse 17.

Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.

At this point, Asaph's pity party turned into a praise party.

Asaph finally turned his eyes away from himself and others, and he placed his attention on God. What a difference it made! He spends the rest of the chapter praising God for what He has done and what He will do. He ends the chapter by saying, But it is good for me to draw near to God.

Amen to that!

So, if you're in the midst of a glorious pity party, get your eyes off of yourself and your circumstances. Instead, look to God who is much greater than any situation you may be in. Call on His name. Give Him praise. Thank Him in advance for the blessings that He has yet to give you, and don't forget to give thanks for the many blessings you've already received. As Asaph said, it is good to draw near to God, and you can't do that and throw a pity party at the same time. It is true that life is not always fair, but it is also true that God is just. He will make all things right. After all, if we have Him, we truly have all that we need.

Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. - Psalm 73:25


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