Receiving Our Inheritance

Over the past few weeks, in addition to getting our house in order, Jason and I have been sorting through the inheritance left to us by my grandmother.  While the ordeal has been sad as we mourn her passing, it has also been a bit exciting.  Please understand, I don’t mean for that to sound uncaring or callous.  I loved my grandmother and miss her greatly, but I have no doubt it would thrill her heart to know that her children and grandchildren are finding joy and purpose in the things she left behind.  A practical woman to the very end, my grandmother is surely smiling down from Heaven as she sees her legacy live on in the lives of her family.

At the risk of sounding unfeeling again, I have to admit that it was a bit like Christmas as the boxes of stuff arrived.  Because of our busy schedules at the time, the boxes sat untouched for a few days, but finally, despite our fatigue, we simply couldn’t wait another moment to see what those boxes contained.  You see, we had no idea what was left to us.  It was a complete surprise!  Sure enough, we tore through the boxes like kids on Christmas morning.  I won’t go through a list of everything we received, but I will tell you that I now have things all over my house that remind me of my grandmother.  And not only that, but we received some items that we were in dire need of.  What a blessing!

Can you imagine what it will be like when we get to Heaven and find out what we’ve inherited? According to Romans 8:16-17, The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.  We are heirs of the kingdom, joint-heirs with Christ.  That means everything that God has, we will have.  What all does that entail?  I don’t think we could even begin to fathom until we get there.  Yes, the Bible tells us a bit about Heaven and the New Jerusalem, but it also says that the half hasn’t been told.

How long will it take us to realize what we’ve received?  The Bible does say that we will know as we are known, so perhaps the understanding will come immediately, but I can’t help but think that God still has a few surprises in store for His children.  And I believe we will stand in awe at the magnificence of all that we’ve inherited because of our faith in Jesus Christ.

As wonderful as the inheritance from my grandmother is, it is nothing when compared to the glory that will one day be revealed to us.  If you do not know Jesus and have not accepted Him as Lord of your life, I’m afraid you’re going to miss out on all that the Lord is offering.  To inherit His kingdom, you must be His child.  To be His child, you must accept His Son and the sacrifice of the cross.  Otherwise, the only things you’ll inherit will be pain, torment and eternal darkness.  

If you are a child of God today, I compel you to look forward to your inheritance with great joy.  If you are not a child of God, I plead with you to remedy that today.  You can be saved!  No one is too far gone that the love of God cannot reach them.  God wants you to be saved.  He wants you to receive His inheritance.  Please, don’t wait another day.  Accept Christ as Lord today.  If you need help, I would be happy to speak with you and help you get it settled.

I realize that today is Black Friday, and many are out searching for the perfect gift.  Well, I’ve already found Him, and His name is Jesus. Just like the Black Friday deals, salvation is a limited-time offer.  Don’t miss out on the deal of a lifetime!  The inheritance of God can be yours!

When God Fails To Give


One Day Is Not Enough