Tear Down the Walls

Jason and I enjoy watching home renovation shows.  I'm often amazed at how an outdated house can be transformed into a lovely home by simply adding some paint and a few nice splashes of color here or there.  What I really love, though, is when they tear down some walls.  It's nice to see a small, closed-in kitchen become one with the living room and/or dining room.  Many times, tearing down a single wall opens up the house, causing it to appear twice as big as it actually is.  The transformation is astounding.

I thought about the process this morning as I was reading in Joanna Weaver's book, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.  The entire premise of the book is about finding the balance between our Martha-like need to serve and be busy and our Mary-like desire to sit and worship at the feet of Jesus.  I relate all too well to the book because I often find myself on the teeter totter of life.  So much to do.  So little time.  Oh, but I need to be still too.  Seriously?  Instead of balancing the two, I often find myself leaning heavily to one side or another. . . usually to the Martha side.  I want to worship.  I want to be still and sit at Jesus' feet, but who has the time for that when there's so much else to be done?

In her book, Joanna refers to Martha's behavior as "kitchen service" while referring to Mary's as "living room worship."  In the final chapter of the book, the author has this to say:  "In my once-divided heart, the two had become one.  I no longer had to worry about my motives, whether I was acting out of duty or devotion.  God had knocked down the wall and made the Living Room and Kitchen all one."

That's what I want in my life!  It's time for a remodel.  I no longer want to be in one room or the other.  I want to be able to occupy both rooms at the same time.  I want to live a life that is so surrendered to God that every act of service is, in itself, an act of worship and vice versa.  No more tiny, cramped spaces.  Open it up, or as the psalmist said, "Unite my heart."  One motive.  One goal.  Mary and Martha all rolled into one.  Yes, indeed, that is my heart's desire.  What about you?

Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name. - Psalm 86:11


The Frog and the Ox


Kenn Kington - Duck Hunting Made Easy