Examine Your Load

Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19

Daily loaded with benefits.  That's difficult to see on some days, isn't it?  On the days when everything seems to fall apart and nothing seems to get done, it's hard to see the benefits.  When our clothes are tight and the money is even tighter, it's easy to become blind to the blessings around us.  When the car won't start, the washing machine dies and your head won't quit throbbing, the last thing on your mind is God's goodness, right?  But why is that?  Why is it so much easier for us to see the trials than it is to see the blessings?  They are even more numerous, yet they often go unnoticed.

There's an old saying that "the squeaky wheel gets the oil," meaning that the things that make the greatest fuss are often the things to which we give the most attention.  Trials certainly raise a fuss, don't they?  And because they shout and scream and rant, we focus all our attention on them.  Meanwhile, our blessings stay in the shadows, waiting ever so patiently, to be noticed and appreciated.

The psalmist had it right.  God does not occasionally sprinkle His blessings upon us.  He loads us down with them daily.  That thought of being loaded down reminds me of a mule staggering under the weight of a heavy load or a horse struggling to pull a wagon that is filled to the brim and nearly overflowing.  Too often, we live our lives weighed down, but we're weighed down by all the wrong things.  It's time to stop focusing on the negative and start looking at the positive.

Let's see.  I rose from my bed this morning.  That's a blessing, for there are many who cannot say the same.  The headache from which I suffered yesterday and all night long has finally ebbed away.  I was awarded a free adjustment from my chiropractor who has done wonders for the bursitis in my shoulder and arthritis in my back.  I had a few minutes to chat with Jason this morning, which is a rare occurrence for us.  I had the privilege of spending quiet, uninterrupted time with the Lord this morning.  I have plenty to eat.  I could go on and on.  The more time we spend thinking about our blessings, the more we'll realize just how loaded down we are.  Plus, the more time we spend thinking about our blessings, the less we'll have to think about our trials.

Today, I urge you to ignore the howls and cries of the trials in your life.  Yes, they're present, and yes, they must be dealt with.  But they don't deserve all your attention.  Give ear to the blessings.  Pay attention to all the good things that God is doing in your life.  I promise you it's a much better use of your time and energy!

What are you loaded down with today?


Just Be Quiet


Drop the Stones