Yet Will I Praise Him

The other night I had the privilege of walking through a spider web that was stretched across the pillars on our side porch.  I despise spider webs.  They're nasty and sticky, but worse than that, when I walk through one, I'm always wondering, Okay, where's the spider?  Fortunately (or not), I didn't have to wait very long on this particular night to discover exactly where the spider was.

As I set about getting things put away, I noticed a movement to my right.  I turned, but nothing was there.  Then, I caught a glimpse of something again.  I turned my eyes and noticed something hanging from my hair.  Yep, it was a spider.  A teeny, tiny spider hanging by the remains of the web.  I pulled it free from my hair, did a little dance to get the "creepies" out of my system, ran my hands through my hair a couple of times then got back to work.  A few seconds later, I caught a glimpse of something again.  Another tiny spider was hanging from a strand of web that was evidently attached to my hair.  I disposed of the second intruder, did my dance, ran my hands through my hair again and shook it violently.  It didn't help.  In the next few minutes, two more tiny spiders made their presence known.

If it hadn't been so late and me already so tired, I would have headed to the shower.  I mean, seriously, how many spiders were crawling around in my hair?  But I opted for more dancing, hair combing and head shaking.  I think I finally got them all, but the whole thing was crazy.  Just when I thought I'd taken care of the problem, another showed up to take its place and then another and another.

Unfortunately, my life for the past few weeks has been the exact same way.  Problem after problem.  Situation after situation.  Just inside my small circle of friends and family, these are some of the burdens that have been shared, not counting my own personal household issues:

My grandmother was placed in the hospital due to a severe infection in her blood stream.
My aunt passed away from cancer.
My parents' house was hit by a storm, and they lost nearly all of the electronics in their home.
Two good Christian families are being torn apart at the seams.
One of my dearest friends' dog was killed by a reckless driver.
Another dear friend lost his mother to cancer.

Just like with the spiders, it seems as soon as I've dealt with one issue, another comes to take its place.  Even getting through the many requests during my prayer time has left me weary and discouraged.  So many burdens.  So many good people who are under Satan's attacks.  So much sickness and disease.  My heart aches for each and every need, and to be honest, I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed.  And while I could whine and cry about it, I know it won't help.  However, the prophet Habakkuk has a word of advice on what will.

Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments. - Habukkuk 3:17-19

In short, the prophet said, "Even when bad things happen and good things don't, yet I will still praise the Lord.  He is my strength, and He alone can get me through this valley."  Amen and amen.  Yes, times are hard.  Yes, some situations are dire.  Yes, the weight of these burdens can grow so heavy.  But that's why God urges us not to carry them alone.  Rejoice in the Lord today.  Cast your burdens on Him and cling to Him for strength during your current trial.  He alone can help you to rise above those circumstances and find true peace amidst the storm.  No strings (or spider webs) attached!


The Things That Bug Me


A Little Rest, Please!