Adriana's Secrets by Cheryl Colwell

A contemporary suspense novel, Adriana's Secrets, Book Two in TheSecrets of the Montebellis Series, travels back to Lisa Richardson'sgreat-grandmother's time and fills in the exciting stories alluded to inBook One.

Tragedy strikes the mountain town of Mont Castello, the home ofAdriana Montebelli. Orphaned in 1888, Adriana's life is swept along atthe whim of forceful men who decide where she will live and who she willmarry. Instead of breaking her, their cruel deceptions toughen herresolve to take control. Though she rises to manage the vast Van Burenestate, she wonders if her broken heart will have the strength to loveagain.

Follow Adriana in this historical novel as she navigates thechallenges of woman's suffrage, union violence, and the tragic hardshipsof love and loss, while managing to cling to her faith.

My Review:

I truly enjoyed the first book in this series, but I believe I enjoyed the second book even more.  From the very beginning, I was pulled into the story, present through all the joys and heartache encountered by Adriana, the main character.  Though parts of the story were quite predictable (especially toward the end), I still found myself unable to put the book down.  The story was well-written, and the plot was well thought-out.  The characters were intriguing and so very life-like.  To be honest, there were a few characters to whom I desired to deliver a few well-deserved slaps, and of course, there were those who were lovable beyond belief.

Probably my favorite thing about this book is that it was clean.  I didn't have to skip around curse words or dance around inappropriate scenes.  In fact, I say that this book serves as proof that a good story does not need all that filth to make it a good story.  A truly good book can stand on its own, and Cheryl's novel certainly qualifies.

I also enjoyed the accounts of Adriana's faith in God.  Despite her difficult circumstances, she knew that God was faithful and just, and she never lost faith in Him, even when she felt she had no other hope to which to cling.  She is a true role model for every believer and a reminder that God never forsakes His children, even when it may seem like He has.

If you enjoy romance, action, adventure and mystery, you'll love this book!  So curl up by the fire, grab a cup of hot chocolate and get your copy of Cheryl Colwell's new book, Adriana's Secrets.


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