The Names of the Lord - The Mighty God

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. - Isaiah 9:6

The word mighty is defined as "powerful, strong, verylarge, vast, very great in extent or importance."  Not the thoughts that come to mind when we picture baby Jesus in the manger.  Powerful?  Not likely.  Strong?  Impossible.  Very large or vast?  Laughable.  Very great in extent or importance?  Now we're getting somewhere.  Yet, while many of the definitions just don't seem to fit, they do, in fact, describe Jesus, the mighty God.
Do you ever find it difficult to remember that the tiny Baby in the manger is the same One who spoke the world into existence?  It's just so remarkable and difficult to wrap our finite brains around.  Jesus is the mighty God, the One who created Mary, of whom He would be born.  Mind-boggling, isn't it?  But it shouldn't be.  
Follow His story.  Witness His miracles.  Turning water into wine.  Healing sickness and disease.  Calming storms with the power of His voice, the same voice that called Lazarus up from the dead.  Yes, in fact, Jesus is so mighty that death itself could not hold Him.  When He gave up His spirit on the cross, He cried, "It is finished", not as a cry of defeat, but as one of victory.  It was a shout of "I've won!!!"  And so He has.  Despite his thoughts to the contrary, Satan cannot and will not defeat Him.  Jesus is the Mighty God, and nothing can stand in His way!
And just think, He's on our side!  Isn't it great to have a Friend in high places?

The Names of the Lord - The Everlasting Father


The Silent Monks - Hallelujah Chorus