The Names of the Lord - Counselor

For unto us a child isborn, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon hisshoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mightyGod, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. - Isaiah 9:6

A counselor is someone who offers advice or counsel.  The best counselors are those who have not only been trained to deal with various circumstances, but have also lived through the circumstances themselves.  No one can relate to us better than someone who has faced the same situation we're facing.  And that, my friend, is what makes Jesus the best counselor of all.

He left the splendor of Heaven to come to this earth so that He could walk in our shoes.  Weary?  Jesus understands.  Feeling betrayed?  Jesus has been there.  Wonder if you have a friend left in the world?  Jesus can relate.  Lonely?  Overwhelmed?  Brokenhearted?  No matter what we may face on this earth, we can rest in the knowledge that Jesus understands.  He's walked the same paths before.  He's faced the same trials and temptations.  He's borne the very same burdens.  He knows.  He understands.  He can relate.

And with that knowledge and understanding, He offers us counsel.  He listens wholeheartedly to our every plea.  He allows us to cry on His shoulder.  He understands our tears.  Then, He guides us with His love.  He directs our paths and encourages our hearts.  He leads us out of our depression and discouragement and into a place where we can hear His voice more clearly.

His counsel is wise and never in error.  We needn't fear following bad advice if we are heeding the voice of the Savior.  Oh, what a blessed Counselor!


The Silent Monks - Hallelujah Chorus


The Names of the Lord - Wonderful