God's Presence Amidst Chaos

This is the time of year for joy, love, and peace. But it seems that the feelings provoked in me are not those of peace, but those of stress. Between shopping and parties, cantatas and cards, banquets and business, I find myself turning in circles wondering which direction I'm supposed to be headed in.

Having two dogs in the house certainly makes the experience a little more "interesting." Mitch keeps carrying off my firewood so he can chew it into mulch. Tippy refuses to get off the Christmas tree skirt so that I can actually put presents under the tree. And I have to be very careful about what I put under the tree. If the dogs think it's food, I'll find the package unwrapped and usually out in the back yard. So, I keep food gifts in a safe place, although that didn't help the banana nut muffins that I made yesterday. There were eleven when I left for the Christmas banquet, but only five when I returned. Since Mitch is the only one who can reach the kitchen counter, and Tippy has been nursing a hurt leg (courtesy of Mitch landing on her when he jumped off the bed), I'm pretty sure I know who the culprit is. No, there's never a dull moment around my house.

Amidst the chaos, however, I am reminded that God is with me. I see Him in every sunrise. Feel His breath with every breeze. Sense His love in every smile. And cherish His joy in every unusual circumstance that happens around my house (from hijacked firewood to stolen muffins). Yes, through it all, God is with me, and better yet, He understands. He can relate to every tear and every chuckle.

So, as you rush about today from task to task, take time to notice the many ways God has made His presence known in your life. And don't just notice, but rejoice in it. Let it wash over you and bring you peace. From what I can see, that's the only way you'll find it this time of year.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. - Isaiah 41:10


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