A Poem From a Friend, Liana Howarth

Today I would like to share with you a poem from a friend who recently shared it with me.  I pray it will be as much a blessing to you as it was to me.


Lay me down in pastures green
Over clouds to sights unseen
Raise to Thee my thoughts, my words
Do with my life whatever Thou please

Help is but a prayer away
Everlasting wings will always stay
Lord, plant within me child-like faith
Pass through this dark valley by my side

May flowers and spring rain
Evening primrose covers my pain

There beside the waters still
Only Thee can be my fill

Time marches past so quickly I know
And all of my sorrows soon will go
Keep me and guard me all of my days
Ever to bring praises, heavenly rain

The season of summer, it looms
Here and there roses and buttercup blooms
Everywhere gladness and children of joy

Time it shows us what we do lack
It shows us also that we cannot go back
May we though, be given, that first love again
Ever to remember that spiritual milk we were given

Then it is autumn and cooler we become
Over our heads, knowledge loses some

Stay with me and quicken my faith
Take my trembling hand, I’ll do what Thou saith
Only a child accepts and believes
Please Oh! Lord, take me back to that time

And may Thy staff never cease to be
Near me and steady me and help me to see
Dear Lord Jesus, clear my path, my vision

Suddenly winter covers the land
Marigolds fade with the cold, blustery, white sand
Ever please Lord, You have washed me for this
Longing and praying Your mercy Your grace
Likens me to Your precious Son and His ways

The seasons have passed and they start once again
Here is new growth, flowers planted again
Earnestly the Son draws them out of the darkness of night

Rain down Oh! Lord. Reign down Oh! Lord
Only You have control of my life
Sadly I am past all my child-like responses
Even my words have grown all the stranger
Shine Heavenly Father, Thy will shall be done

- By Liana Howarth

For more of her beautiful poems and songs, visit her sites, www.poetrycottage.wordpress.com and www.poetrycottage.com, or purchase her book below.


Facing the Seas of Life


Ghastly Groans From the Graveyard