Psalm 23:4 - Part Two

Yesterday, we began an in-depth look at a very familiar Bible verse.  We talked about the inevitability of problems in this life as well as how to walk through those problems with confidence and faith.  Today, I'd like to talk about another word we find in Psalm 23:4.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. - Psalm 23:4a 

Through - Wow!  Now there's a powerful word.  The definition of the word through is this:  "moving in one side and out of the other side of; continuing in time toward completion of."  The word "through" tells us that this is not the end.  We're just traveling through.  This valley, whatever it may be, is temporary.  It will pass.  It may not be as quickly as we like.  Just ask Moses, Joseph, David or any of the other Bible greats.  Their valleys were long and hard, but their deeds were remarkable and memorable.  Keep in mind, too, that the only reason God could use them at all is because they didn't give up in the valley.  They didn't quit when the going got tough.  They didn't lose faith.  They kept walking through the valley, knowing that God would fulfill His promise to bring them out on the other side.  We can cling to that promise as well.

When thou passest throughthe waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall notoverflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not beburned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. - Isaiah 43:2

Did you notice the very first word of that verse?  When, not if.  It's quite similar to the word "though" we talked about yesterday.  But also notice the abundance of the word "through."  Through the waters.  Through the rivers.  Through the fire.  Whatever you're walking through right now, God is with you.  His hand is on you, and He won't allow anything to happen to you unless it be His will.  He is in control of all things, even the valleys of life.

My dear friend, may I remind you that God never promised us a way around our troubles, but He did promise grace to get through them.  In His time and in His way, He will bring us out on the other side.  We have His word on it.

"So what," you may ask, "am I supposed to do while I'm waiting on God to deliver me?  What can I accomplish in the valley?"

I'm so glad you asked.  We'll tackle that one on Monday. 


Psalm 23:4 - Part Three


Psalm 23:4 - Part One