Here We Go Again!

Oh boy! Here we go again! Now that my shoulder is back in its proper location and my vertebrae are, for the most part, in line, I am faced with a backlog of work that was not accomplished over the past two weeks because of my injury. Yesterday was the first day I actually felt like myself. I awoke sore and achy, yet the throbbing and pinching were mercifully absent. Within moments of realizing my improved physical state, I began planning how to tackle the many chores.

I would begin with the grocery shopping. Then the laundry. Then I planned to straighten the house and do some much-needed vacuuming. After that, I needed to catch up on some writing and answer a few emails. Then, the dogs needed brushing, dinner needed to be fixed and there was the favor for that friend at church.

As I jumped out of bed and began pulling on my clothes, I had to force myself to stop. I was doing it again. I was trying to be Wonder Woman. I hate getting behind in my work. It sets me in such a frantic mood, but I have learned through my past mistakes that I need to pace myself after such a severe injury. If I tried to accomplish everything on that list of chores, I would not only exhaust myself, but probably add to my injury. I needed to remember Hebrews 12.

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. - Hebrews 12:1-2 

When it comes to playing catch up after an extended illness or injury, I have no problem with running. It's the "with patience" part that gives me trouble. I see the many things that need to be done, and I long to get them accomplished. I don't want the process to take weeks. I want it done now. But at what cost? Is it worth accomplishing all my chores only to find myself injured and in pain once again? For once in my life, I decided it was not.

Yesterday, I accomplished a few of the chores, and I allowed myself to not stress over the others. Today, I am working to accomplish a few more. It may take me another week to get everything done, but that's okay. God will give me the strength to accomplish what I need to accomplish and the peace to rest when it's time for me to be still.

How is your race going today? Are you hurrying about frantically, stressing over every factor of your life? Are you wearied by the thoughts that you will never accomplish everything that needs to be done? If so, may I offer a suggestion? Slow down. We are commanded to run the race, but we are also commanded to do so with patience. Don't allow yourself to be so busy doing that you forget how to live. Don't get so busy running that you forget to enjoy the view. Have patience, my friend. It will all work out.


Ken Davis - An Elevator Ride


The Room of Doors