Interview with Christian Author, Susan Braun

Today, I'm thrilled to have fellow Christian author, Susan Braun, as my guest.  She'll be answering a few questions and telling us about her new book.  Let the interview begin!

  1. For the sake of all my newreaders, take a few minutes to tell us a little about yourself.
I am a formerelementary school teacher, and now I’m the mom of three tween/teendaughters and a freelance writer. I blog each weekday at Girlsin White Dresses, and I’ve written five books thatare available at Amazon. Fun fact: our family has two rabbits, ahedgehog, and a chinchilla.
  1. You're here today to talk aboutyour new book, Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge: ABiography for Children. What inspired you to write such abook?
I’ve beenfascinated by the royal family since Princess Diana came onto thescene in 1980. When I was a high school senior, I had to write aresearch paper. It was a big deal, and the “hot” topic for papersamong my friends seemed to anorexia. I told my teacher I wanted towrite my paper about the royal romance of Prince Charles and PrincessDiana. He was not impressed! However, I was pleased when he ended upliking my paper and asking if he could make a copy. It appears thatthe royals could charm even a grumpy old man.
  1. Why did you choose to write abiography for children rather than for adults?
The more I write,the more I try to find niches that fit both my passions and a need inthe market. I found quite a few biographies of Kate Middleton foradults, but for children all I could find were a few picture books.My biography is around 50 pages, and it’s aimed at a girl aroundfifth grade level. It offers enough information about Kate that thereader will be able to do a report on her, or just learn more abouther for her own interest. Of course, there are several color photosas well – this is a book about one of the world’s best-dressedladies, after all!
  1. How many other books have youwritten and what type of books are they (children's, non-fiction,fantasy, etc.)?
I wrote my first book, I Love to Tell the Story, as a way of documenting manyof my childhood memories for my own kids. It tells about my lifegrowing up Baptist. I’d read so many books about people who grewup in Christian families and then felt the need to trash theirupbringing. I wanted to show that a happy childhood in a Christianfamily is not only possible, but common. Then, I wrote Sophie,Pay Attention and ADog Called Naaman. They’re e-books for earlyreaders based on modern-day characters in situations similar tothose of Bible characters. Finally, I wrote a biographyof “Mad” King Ludwig (another historical figurewho intrigues me) for young adults.
  1. What would you say is the mostdifficult part about being a writer?
It’s such a step of faith. As awriter, we put hours and hours of real effort into getting our workout into the world. After all that, will the public discover andappreciate our writing? It’s a constant effort, and it’s never asure thing.
  1. Do you think it's more difficultfor Christian writers to “get their work out there” than it isfor non-Christian writers?
Well, both Christian and non-Christianauthors must deal with publicity, and that’s something we couldwork at all day long! However, Christian writers probably do have abit more of a challenge, because a growing portion of the populationdoesn’t identify itself as Christian. All we can do is our best,and leave the results up to the Lord.
  1. What do you like to do when you'renot writing?
I enjoy reading, playing piano andorgan, and giving piano lessons. I also like spending time with mydaughters and pets, and during nice weather I like to garden.
  1. What knowledge or inspiration doyou hope your readers will attain while reading this biography ofKate Middleton?
I began writing this book because Ifelt girls would enjoy reading about a real-life princess (oractually, duchess). But as I researched Kate, I found several thingsabout her worth emulating. She has tremendous patience anddetermination. She was bullied as a child at school, yet shepersevered. She dated Prince William for almost a decade with noassurance they would eventually marry, but she always handledherself with dignity, modesty, and class.
  1. Are there any other juicy tidbitsyou'd like to share with the readers today?
I found it interesting that Kate’smom in many ways seemed to be the power behind Kate. For instance,Kate planned to attend a different college, but her mother encouragedher to attend St Andrews because that’s where Prince William wasgoing. Obviously, that worked out well!

10. Where can people find you online,and how can they purchase your book?

I blog at Girlsin White Dresses each weekday. I also write frequentlyabout the British royals at YahooVoices. You can follow all my writing adventures on my Facebookwriting page. All my books can be purchased atAmazon.
Thanks, Dana, for being such a greatfriend. I love that we have so much in common, and although we’venever met, I feel that we “know” each other pretty well .Friendship with people like you is one of the best things about theinternet!


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