The Hunt for the Well Hidden Treasure by Bob Sheard and Timothy Taylor

What child doesn't love a good treasure hunt? For that matter, whatadult doesn't? Although this book is intended for middle-grade readers,I am in my mid-thirties and found it an exciting and intriguing read.The authors take care to give enough clues to help the reader solve thepuzzle without giving away the actual hiding place of the pirate'streasure. The tale is a splendid mix of historical facts, fictionaladditions and loveable characters.

The kids are down-to-earth,but unlike those in most novels for this age group, they are respectfulof adults (especially their parents) and of other kids as well. Eachcharacter has his/her own unique personality, showcasing his/hertalents, which I feel serves as a good reminder to young people that weare not all the same nor should we try to be. God has created each ofus in the way He saw fit, and we should cherish our gifts and figure outhow to use them to help others. This is exactly what the group of maincharacters do, and by combining their individual talents, they discoverthat they make a great team.

The story line is easy to follow,but complex enough to keep the adult reader hooked. The plot issuspenseful and believable. I enjoyed the story from beginning to end.At times, I rushed through, trying to get to the end so that I couldunravel the mystery. But when I did reach the end, I felt a suddensense of loss. I didn't want the story to be over. In my mind, therecould be no better quality to a good book.

I am unsure if thisbook is considered Christian fiction, but I do not remember anyquestionable elements within its pages. As memory serves, it was aclean, delightful book, one that I would definitely recommend tochildren and adults alike.


Sunlight in the Cave


Forget the Dropper