Getting to Know God - El Elyon

When we have the opportunity, Jason and I enjoy visiting "The Winds", a beautiful spot by a cascading waterfall on the trail that stretches from Jones Gap State Park to Caesar's Head State Park. Because of the rise and fall of the elevation along the trail, there are a number of switchbacks, which ease the ascent and descent. The tricky thing is that the switchbacks can cause a bit of disorientation (at least for the directionally-challenged such as myself). One such place of disorientation is at the waterfall itself.

When we start at the top of the mountain, the waterfall appears small in the distance, and is more difficult to spot because of all the foliage. Nevertheless, my eyes are drawn to the beautiful cascade. It isn't long, however, before I point out another breathtaking waterfall, only to find out that it's the same waterfall I saw in the first place.  When we finally arrive at the waterfall, I am determined that it cannot be the same site I viewed from the top of the mountain.  It simply does not look the same. From this distance, the waterfall seems immense, gushing over the rocks with more water than my mind can comprehend. Each time we visit, I am amazed at how much my perspective changes depending on my viewpoint.

God has a viewpoint of His own, and it is that part of His nature that I wish to discuss today. In this post, let us describe El Elyon, God Most High.  The term "elyon" implies greatness, stature, preeminence and sovereignty. It reminds us that nothing is beyond God's power to see or to solve. As high as the mountains in our lives seem, God is higher. No matter how high our stacks of bills seem to become, they will never reach the height of God. There are no problems in this life that He cannot solve, no enemies He cannot conquer. He is above all, beyond all, surpassing our highest hopes, dreams, and expectations.

Just as the waterfall at "The Winds" seems smaller and less powerful from the top of the mountain, so do our problems seem smaller and less powerful to God, who is far enough above them to see the entire picture. Where we see only one step, He sees the entire path. Where we see problems, He sees possibilities. Where we see obstacles, He sees stepping stones. From such a vantage point, there is nothing He cannot see or accomplish.

When facing the everyday circumstances of life, it's comforting to remember that God is the Most High. He is above and beyond anything that life can throw our way. He sees our paths and can guide us to safety if we'll only trust in His direction.

In her devotional study, I Want to Know You, Kay Arthur says, "If God is not sovereign, if He is not in control, if all things are not under His dominion, then He is not the Most High, and you and I are either in the hands of fate (whatever that is), in the hands of man, or in the hands of the devil."

In a world that seems more out of control every day, we can take comfort in knowing that God is in control. We have nothing to fear. He can rise above all our problems.

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. - Psalm 91:1


Getting to Know God - El Roi


Getting to Know God: El-emet