Draw Nigh to God

One topic that I come across often in devotional books is how to draw closer to Jesus. It has been discussed from many pulpits and in countless conferences. The advice given ranges from complete and total surrender to Christ to completing the work He has sent us here to do. Often, the advice is helpful, but sometimes the answers are so complex. Should it be that way?

My advice on the topic is that you draw closer to Jesus in the same way that you grow closer to your friends or family. You spend time with Him. You talk with Him and listen as He speaks to you. You share your cares, burdens, and joys with Him. You laugh and cry with Him. You work through things together and complete tasks in the company of one another. You learn more about Him and in turn, allow yourself to be known.

Treat Him like the Friend that He is. Rely on Him like the Father He is. It may sound simple, but I think that's the way God intended it. We are often guilty of over-complicating things. Do you want to be closer to Christ today? It is possible, but some time and effort on your part are required.

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. - James 4:8


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