Sometimes Broken Is Better

I absolutely love this time of year.  I love the colors.  I love the cool, crisp air.  I love the opportunity to work outside without sweating or being eaten alive by the bugs.  It's simply a glorious time of year.  One thing, however, that does get a little tedious is the drastic changes in the temperature within just a few hours.  In the morning, the temperature has been in the 40's, which means I need to build a fire.  By mid-day, however, the temperature is in the mid-60's or low 70's, which means I need to open the windows.

The most difficult part about this entire process right now is that we don't have any kindling.  We have plenty of wood (although most of it is still green), but we're completely out of kindling.  If you've ever tried to start mostly green wood with no kindling, you'll know what a frustrating task it can be.  So, over the past few days, Jason has been taking some of the drier wood and splitting it down into extra small pieces to use as kindling.  It works like a charm.  Unfortunately, I didn't have any more of those delightful little pieces this morning, so I tried to make it work the other way.  The result was a lot of smoke, but very little fire.

Thankfully, Jason didn't have to go into work until a later today, so he went out and split some wood for me.  Within minutes, we had a cozy blaze going.  Same stove.  Same wood.  Same lighter.  The only difference was that the wood had been broken, which goes to show me that sometimes broken is better.

That's easy to admit when I'm talking about firewood but not quite so easy when I'm talking about myself.  It's one thing to break wood, but it's quite another to break a will or a spirit.  If we're honest, though, I think each of us would admit that it's true--brokenness brings blessing.  It's unpleasant and even frightening at times, but the result not only brings warmth and coziness, it also brings light to this ever-darkening world.

Are you willing to be broken today?  There's really no cause for fear.  God will collect the pieces and arrange then in such a way that will bring honor and glory to His name.  I don't know about you, but I can think of no greater privilege.

Break me, Lord Jesus, and set my heart afire for you!

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. - Psalm 51:17


Jeff Allen - Teenage Son


Sitting at the Stoplight