Interview with Author, T.J. Dell

Today it is my privilege to host author T.J. Dell and to discuss her newest book, Whispers in the Woods.  T.J. will be giving away two signed paperbacks of Whispers in the Woods,along with three $5 Amazon Gift Cards during her tour.  Be sure to sign up at the bottom of this post.


1. For starters, please tell us alittle about yourself.
Ho-hum, hum-ho. A little about me?Well I'm a mommy of two toddlers. And if you are a mommy then youwill understand how that defines 90 percent of me. The other 10percent is a hopeless romantic that loves stories. Books, movies,television, even local high school theater floats my boat.
2. Have you always been a writer? Haveyou always wanted to be a writer?
I have had a lot of jobs... a lot. Sono, I wouldn't say that I've always been a writer. But I have alwayswanted to write. I've always been intrigued by the idea of havingother people enjoy the stories constantly playing out in my mind.
3. In your opinion, what are theeasiest and most difficult parts of being a writer?
Pretty much all of being a writer isdifficult. But it wouldn't be worthwhile if it wasn't. One thingthat gets to me the most is release day. I suffer from the absoluteknowledge that no one is going to buy or like each new title. Idon't breathe an easy breath until that first (hopefully positive)review pops up on amazon.
4. Would you tell us what your book isabout?
Evie Parker moves to Benair Falls aftera car accident makes her an orphan. On top of losing her parents shehas to deal with living in a new town (with a grandmother thatresents her) and starting a new school (where she has no friends).  Things start to look up when she meetsLucas. He is handsome and fun and everyone loves him. To make himeven more perfect... he likes her. However, things aren't alwaysexactly as they seem and Lucas has secrets. Secrets that nearly killEvie.  Eventually Evie has to decide if havingLucas in her life is worth giving up normal forever. Because Elfinlords are anything but normal.
5. Where do you get the inspiration foryour stories?
Sometimes I blame it on a slight caseof Schizophrenia. (winky sarcastic face) Characters sometimes popinto my head for a visit and then refuse to leave until I tell theirstories.
6. I understand you have a couple ofother books that are doing well on Amazon. How long have they beenout? What have you done to help them succeed?
Well I have actually just celebrated mybook-iversary. My first title was published in September of 2011.That was 'Her Best Friend's Brother' and I haven't looked back. Asfar as making them succeed that is all credited to my readers. Imust have the best readers on earth. I have received a number ofmessages from people stating that a coworker or a family member 'justinsisted' that they read this. I can't think of a better compliment.I only 'insist' other people try out my very favorites.
7. What projects are you currentlyworking on?
I'm happily working on Carter's storyin Whispers in the Dark. That should be available at the end of thisyear. And I'm very excited about it. Carter is one character thatreally gets to you. He just moves right in and sets up shop in yourheart.
8. What advice would you give toauthors who are struggling to make it in the crowded world ofpublishing?
The best advice I can give is to tellyou to 'keep it up'. Amazon and other digital booksellers havereally broken a wide open path for indie writers. You no longer needto wait for someone from an office in New York to notice how awesomeyou are. Of course being an indie also means being your own editor,agent, and publicist. But it's worth it in the end. I promise.
9. Where can readers find you on theweb?
Facebook is a second home for
10. Do you have anything else you wouldlike to add?
Well of course I want to thank you fortaking the time to speak with me, and I hope you (and all yourreaders) enjoy Whispers in the Woods!


WhenEvie Parker meets Lucas Spencer she begins to feel hope again. Latelyshe's been going through life in a fog and Lucas is all aboutteaching her how to have fun again. For the first time since theaccident she knows what it means to be happy.  Sowho cares if Lucas is a little odd. It isn't that strange that she'snever met his parents, or that teachers never seem to notice whenhe's late for class. Evie tries not to care, but on top of all hispeculiar behavior she's been feeling kind of sick lately-- ever sinceshe met Lucas actually.  WhenLucas decides it is time to come clean with all his secrets Evie hasto make some hard decisions.

AllEvie wants is a little bit of normal in her life-- is that really toomuch to ask? Lucasisn't normal, but he makes her happy. That should count forsomething. Evie thinks she can find a balance that will let her benormal and also be with him.  Ofcourse she hadn't counted on adding his family into the mix, or hisex-girlfriend.  Lifewith an elf is never boring.

Lucasand Evie were finally at a place where Evie was comfortable with hermix of normal human teenager and fantastical elf boyfriend. Then shewent and got herself crushed by a tree. 
Eviewakes up with a whole lot of extra issues to deal with. Not the leastof which is a trip inside the Veil to see Lucas's home. She neverwould have agreed to go if she'd known she was going to have her ownsecret to hide.


When TJisn't reading or writing (which is almost never), she is enjoying ablissfully boring life with her family in Maryland. Her two greatestwishes are to serve on a Starfleet Starship or to be invited to jointhe Justice League. Sure her chances are slim, but she's a bigbeliever in dreaming big. 

Ahopeless romantic to her very core, T.J.'s books explore every cornerof the wobbly-kneed-world of romance novels. She has a particularpenchant for Young Adult themes. Dell's debut novel 'Her BestFriend's Brother' is enjoying its tenth month as an Amazon bestseller, and her popular Elfkin Series is hot on its heels.

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Disclaimer:  My participation in this book tour does not mean that Ihave read and/or agree with the work being promoted.  Typically, unlessI'm doing a book review, I do not have the opportunity to read the booksbefore promoting them. The purpose of virtual tours is to help fellowauthors promote their works, and while I am very particular about whoand what I promote, I cannot guarantee that the beliefs and views statedin any specific book are my own. //


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