Unstoppable: The Incredible Power of Faith in Action

My physical challenges are easy to see, yet people only have to talkto me or hear me speak for a few minutes to understand how much joy Ihave in spite of that. So they often ask me how I stay positive andwhere I find the strength to overcome my disabilities. My answer,always, is, “I pray for God’s help, and then I put my faith in action.” Ihave faith. I believe in certain things that I have no tangible proofof—things I cannot see, taste, touch, smell, or hear. Most of all, Ihave faith in God. Though I can’t see or touch Him, I believe He createdme for a purpose, and I believe that when I put my faith and my beliefsinto action, I put myself in a position for God’s blessings.

Excerpted from Unstoppable by Nick Vujicic

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ii4JNtDPSaA]

Click here to read the introduction and first chapter of this inspiring new book.


Am I Dead Yet?


Interview with Christian Author, Carrie Robinson