The Perfect Gift

This past Christmas, I was resolved that I would not "settle" for any gift.  I was determined to find the perfect gift for everyone on my list.  With the meager budget I had for Christmas this year, the task turned out to be quite an undertaking. 

I scoured eBay for weeks, looking for quality items that I couldn't afford elsewhere.  I wracked my brain to come up with something more original than a gift card or a card filled with money.  I wanted the recipient of each gift to know that I had put a lot of time and effort into those Christmas offerings.  Thankfully, my hard work was rewarded.  Not only were others impressed with the Christmas gifts I managed to purchase, but I even received a few "oohs" and "aahs" over the four birthday gifts I had to procure during December as well.

Do you ever wonder what was going through God's mind as He created the world?  Was He, like me, determined to not settle for anything less than exquisite?  Was He, too, looking to create the perfect gift for each of us?

Let's see here.  I'll make the sky blue.  Dana loves blue.  I'll stretch the neck of the giraffe.  That'll make Susie laugh.  How about flowers the size of a human hand?  Yeah, Tina will love that.  Babbling brooks?  Perfect for Jason.  Oh, and I can't forget about those breathtaking sunrises.  Max needs those to get his day started off right.  Colorful birds for Ed.  Mischievous cats for Christi.  Scottish terriers for Abby.  Mountains for Patrick and trees for Jamie to climb.  Yes, won't my children be pleased?

On the heels of that thought, I can't help but wonder if God lives in constant expectation of our response to His gift.  I don't know about you, but I'm more excited about giving gifts than I am receiving them.  I love to see the look of wonder or astonishment on the face of someone I love.  I'm blessed to see such an expression of joy that I don't even have to ask, "Do you like it?'  Don't you think God feels the same way?

Take a look around you.  Gaze into the blue sky.  Survey the myriad of colors.  Listen to the fluttering of bird's wings and the buzzing of the insects.  Take a deep breath of the clear, cool air.  And in the midst of your observations, listen for the whisper from the God who made it all--"Do you like it?  I made it just for you."


The Lucado Inspirational Reader by Max Lucado


Whose Child Are You?