Shelter in the Shadow

With the weather gradually turning cooler, I'm trying to take advantage of every opportunity to work outdoors.  I love to sit outside in the sun.  I can write or read.  Somehow, I seem to focus better when I'm surrounded by nature.  Mitch also loves the chance to run and play.  He digs holes, chases squirrels and races with the neighbor's dog along the fence line.  Tippy, on the other hand, is not terribly fond of the back yard.  Take her on a hike, she's happy.  Let her swim in the lake, she's content.  But send her to the back yard, and she acts as if I've sentenced her to some form of cruel and unusual punishment.  She reminds me of the giraffe on Madagascar, "Nature!  It's all over me!  Get it off!!!"

So when we're outside, I always know where to find her.  She is generally tucked securely behind my chair, resting in the shadow I cast.  While there, she is content enough to rest and seems more or less undisturbed by her surroundings.

As I watched her the other day, I was reminded of my need and desire to stay in my Master's shadow.  I long to find that peace and contentment that can only be found under the shadow of His wings.  I seek to be less disturbed by the world around me, and I know that is only possible if I abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

Sometimes, I feel just like Tippy.  "The world!  It's all over me.  Get it off!!!!"  And so, just as she does, I seek shelter in the shadow.  I guess my fat, little beagle is smarter than I give her credit for.

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.- Psalm 91:1-2


Tim Hawkins on People


May I Never Forget to Be Thankful