Stained Glass Hearts by Patsy Clairmont

Can people be likened to objects?  Best-selling author, Patsy Clairmont, seems to think so. Clairmont likens us to stained glass windows, molded together into something beautiful despite the shattered fragments we possess.  In fact, the subtitle of Stained Glass Hearts sums it up masterfully: "Seeing Life from a Broken Perspective."  We've all experienced brokenness of some kind -- broken hearts, broken dreams, broken families, etc.  In her witty style and conversational tone, Clairmont discusses the issues of brokenness and the beauty that can be attained when we allow God to re-create us using those jagged shards.

This was not one of Patsy Clairmont's most humorous books.  In fact, because of the seriousness of the topic, there were times I found myself crying rather than laughing.  Nevertheless, the book brought a smile to my lips and peace to my heart.  Through her heartwarming tales and personal revelations, the author reminded me that I'm not alone in my journey through the Christian life.  Her stories of struggle and triumph encouraged me to face my own troubles head on instead of running away in fear.

In addition to her delightful writing, Patsy included an "Art Gallery" at the end of each chapter.  Each gallery contained information and links to paintings, sculptures, music and Scripture related to the topic of the chapter.  I discovered some new favorites and was reacquainted with some old.  Each time I set the book down, I felt renewed and refreshed, and while I would have loved to have read it all in one sitting, I found that reading only one chapter at a time gave me time in between to meditate on what the chapter taught me.

If you've ever experienced brokenness, you'll be able to relate to the stories within this book.  It's a must read for every Christian who's ever asked the question, "Am I the only one who feels like this?"

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from thepublisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> bookreview bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. Theopinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance withthe Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255<> : “GuidesConcerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”



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