Sophie, Pay Attention by Susan Barnett Braun

As a teacher of nine years, I understand the difficulty of finding goodstories for children. Many of the stories being written today are notappropriate for young audiences, and some of them are not appropriatefor audiences of any age. Disrespect, bad language, and bad attitudesrun rampant in many of today's stories. Unfortunately, many Christianworks, while clean and free of negative traits, have a tendency to bedry or predictable. "Sophia, Pay Attention" is like a breath of freshair to the Christian children's market.

Ms. Braun does anexcellent job of weaving together a realistic tale with a familiar Biblestory. The main character, Sophia, makes the reader laugh and attimes, feel sorry for her. In a sense, I believe every reader, young orold, can relate to Sophie's desire to stay more focused yet fallingshort of that goal. Her character is lovable and a joy to follow aroundthrough the wonderful tale of her efforts and the important lesson shelearns from the Bible via her Sunday School teacher.

This bookwould make a wonderful addition to any library for young readers. Thestory is easy to read and short enough to be read in one sitting. But Ithink what I love most is that the book offers more than mereentertainment. It offers an insight into how Biblical principles arenot outdated and can be applied to our lives today. Even a young childcan find valuable truths in the Word of God and apply those truths tohis own life. "Sophie, Pay Attention" fits the bill of being a bookthat both teaches and entertains.


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